I'm updating multiple sheets that contain the same structure - 4 tables, one below the other, numbered rows from 50-250 and 7 columns. Above each table is a slightly different title, but each table has the same column headings. (see attached file)
I had recorded myself using the find and replace function and had started to try to integrate that into a working macro. But it seemed too specific.
I thought I might try looking at how I can use the fixed structure of these sheets to my advantage - and as a learning tool.
I have used a previous macro example (thanks NARAYANK991) to find the first number 50, however I'm not sure how you work back from there to select the cell 2 rows above it, paste in a value from an array, and then iterate through finding the remaining 3 other 50 values pasting in the next value from my array.
Mycode something below is pure make-believe, and copied from other macros. But I hope it gives you an idea of what I'm thinking of doing. I hope that looking at the issue this way would allow me to use what I learn on other problems I will face in the future.
Any help or advice you can give would be really appreciated.
I'm updating multiple sheets that contain the same structure - 4 tables, one below the other, numbered rows from 50-250 and 7 columns. Above each table is a slightly different title, but each table has the same column headings. (see attached file)
I had recorded myself using the find and replace function and had started to try to integrate that into a working macro. But it seemed too specific.
I thought I might try looking at how I can use the fixed structure of these sheets to my advantage - and as a learning tool.
I have used a previous macro example (thanks NARAYANK991) to find the first number 50, however I'm not sure how you work back from there to select the cell 2 rows above it, paste in a value from an array, and then iterate through finding the remaining 3 other 50 values pasting in the next value from my array.
Any help or advice you can give would be really appreciated.
Sub Find50()
Dim FoundCell2 As Range
Dim strNewValues as String
Dim strSearchForFifity as String
strSearchForFifity = Array("50", "50", "50", "50")
For I = 0 To UBound(strNewValues)
For I = 0 To 4
strNewValues = Array("Value 1", "Value 2", "Value 3", "Value 4")
For I = 0 To UBound(strNewValues)
For I = 0 To 4
With ActiveSheet
Set FoundCell2 = .Range("$A:$A").Find(strSeachForFifity(I), Range("A1"), xlValues, , xlByRows)
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = strnewValue (I)
Next FoundCell2
End With
End Sub