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Find out who has the highest average cost


New Member
Good morning all,

I have an excel formula question that has been stumping me this morning.

My data: A list of all employee travels for a one year period, including traveler name, travel departure date, whether the trip occurred or was cancelled (authorization status), and cost of travel. If an employee travel three times in a year, there is a separate row for each of the 3 trips.

My desires (more like my bosses desires) are: Two Formula 1) Find the traveler who averages the highest cost per trip during a given time frame, such as, during the month of January. 2) How much is his/her average cost per trip during that time frame.

I have created a formula that finds which employee travels most, but I'm not sure how to transition this to who has the highest average. Anyone want to take a stab at it? Any and all help is appreciated.

Formula for who travels the most:

{=(INDEX(data[Traveler Name],MATCH(MAX(FREQUENCY(IF((data[Depart]<=1/31/13)*(data[Depart]>=1/1/13)*(data[Authorization Status]<>"Cancelled"), COUNTIF(data[Traveler Name], "<"&data[Traveler Name]), ""), COUNTIF(data[Traveler Name], "<"&data[Traveler Name]))), FREQUENCY(IF((data[Depart]<=1/31/13)*(data[Depart]>=1/1/13)*(data[Authorization Status]<>"Cancelled"), COUNTIF(data[Traveler Name], "<"&data[Traveler Name]), ""), COUNTIF(data[Traveler Name], "<"&data[Traveler Name])), 0)))}
depending on layout of data, a pivottable sounds like a real easy solution as it would combine all records belonging to the same person to calculate the totals/averages.
Hi budda919,

I will recommend you post a sample workbook with any sensitive / company specific data removed.

This will get you more specific / accurate responses.

To post sample take a look at this post:

Hi budda919,

While i agree with Shrivallabha's suggestion, you can see this file as well:


Thanks Faseeh. I like the approach, but the problem is first knowing all the individuals names that will appear in the data. I do not, as the names can change with each new run of the data. ** I mispoke. Your formula in column E does find the name of the traveler, but how far down would I have to pull the formula to ensure I encompass all travelers every month? There are new travelers and data expanding into the thousands.

I've uploaded a sample file here.

Hi budda919,

If the data is too too large then might ask someone else for a macro, but if it is just reasonably large then you can stick to a formula solution, convert ranges into table and ease yourself, see the new sheet in this file:


Hello budda919,

Try this Array Formula (hit with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER, not just ENTER)

Note: If you have huge data, this will slow down calculation performance.

=INDEX(Data[Traveler Name],MATCH(MAX(AVERAGEIFS(Data[Amount],Data[Traveler Name],Data[Traveler Name],Data[Depart],">="&StartDate,Data[Depart],"<="&EndDate,Data[Authorization Status],"<>Cancelled")),AVERAGEIFS(Data[Amount],Data[Traveler Name],Data[Traveler Name],Data[Depart],">="&StartDate,Data[Depart],"<="&EndDate,Data[Authorization Status],"<>Cancelled"),0))

If you want to find 2nd, 3rd, 5th etc... high average names, try this Array Formula.

In A1: enter a heading ie: High Avg Traveler


=INDEX(Data[Traveler Name],MATCH(MAX(IF(ISNA(MATCH(Data[Traveler Name],A$1:A1,0)),AVERAGEIFS(Data[Amount],Data[Traveler Name],Data[Traveler Name],Data[Depart],">="&StartDate,Data[Depart],"<="&EndDate,Data[Authorization Status],"<>Cancelled"))),AVERAGEIFS(Data[Amount],Data[Traveler Name],Data[Traveler Name],Data[Depart],">="&StartDate,Data[Depart],"<="&EndDate,Data[Authorization Status],"<>Cancelled"),0))

Then copy A2 & Paste down as needed.

Hope this helps,

Excellent! Thank you so much. The performance seems good so far, but I have not fully loaded a years worth of data just yet.
Okay, so it appears that Haseeb's formula brings back the #Div/0! error if there is a Traveler in the list that does not meet the specified criteria (ie. They don't have travel between the Start and End dates, or all of their travel has a cancelled status.)