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find matching column header on another sheet and return column data...


New Member
Hello, I’ve tried so many things I can think of but I just can’t get this one. I have a template with 4 column headers that I need to find their matching column headers on a second sheet, and then return the values in that column. For example, on sheet one, column B1 is ‘ITEM NUMBER’, so I need to go to sheet two and find the matching column header ‘ITEM NUMBER’, and then return the values from that column on sheet two, back to sheet 1 under B1. The bummer is that the matching column headers on sheet two will not always be in the same locations. Please help. –Thanks, Ron M.

It will be something like:


Where your data table is on Sheet2!A1:D100

The column header is in Sheet1!A2

You want data out of Row 2 of the data table