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Filtering and then changing Cell Information


New Member
If I filter a column for a specific SKU# contained in a column, the result will produce hundreds of rows, but not all sequentially. At times, hundreds of rows will not appear until the specific SKU is found again during the filter process.

I want to change information in another column (the SKU was originally mis-identified) about that particular SKU # by dragging the cursor down with the "+" in the bottom right part of the cell without changing information in cells that did NOT appear on the screen. Will it change the cells that don't appear after the initial filter process? I hope this makes sense...

I am working with a database of information with about 30 columns and 160,000 rows. It covers six years worth of information, and includes Product SKUs and its associated Product Line Description, and other customer-identifying info.
Will it change the cells that don't appear after the initial filter process? I hope this makes sense...

Makes sense, and YES, that will change the filtered cells. Do NOT use this method.

For filtered cells, the better method would be to select the cell you want to copy, select cells downward, hit Ctrl+; to select only visible cells, then paste. Alternately, you can select the entire range, hit Ctrl+; again to only get visible cells, type new information, and confirm using Ctrl+Enter, not just Enter. Using the former will confirm the inputted data into all selected cells.
Thanks again, Luke. I have a related question to this project.

As I mentioned before, I have 160,000 rows of sales info. It's not uncommon to have a SKU # listed thousands of times because the sales info is for every sale made over the last 6 years.

My goal is to get a shorter list of all the SKUs with other columns of info related to the SKU column. One issue is that a SKU # might describe several different variations of the same product family. For instance, SKU #100, might describe a "Plain nut," a "Plain nut-red," and "Plain nut-green." (see example below). If I use the Advance Filter command under "Data" ("Copy unique records only"), it will return the Product SKU 3x, when I only want it to be returned once. Any suggestions? Thanks again.

Product SKU	Product Line Name	Other Descrip	Product Description
100	        Nut                     Nut	        Plain nut
100	        Nut                     Nut	        Plain nut-red
100	        Nut	                Nut	        Plain nut-green
If you only care about the SKU, I'd start by only selecting the SKU column and then doing the Copy Unique records only tool.

You might also want to look into putting all your Data into a PivotTable. It's a very handy tool for dealing with large amounts of data and filtering it to look at different things.