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Filter on multiple pivot charts built off a single pivot table

Adam Bartel

New Member
Hoping that someone might be able to assist on a question I'm struggling with. If I build multiple pivot charts off of the same table, in the same worksheet, is there a way that I can set up filters so that they would apply to all charts? For instance, if I have three charts that all contain the field "Region", is there a way that I could set up a filter so I could change the region for all charts with one click?

I tried by first creating the pivot table of the data, and then with any of the cell in PT being selected, I clicked on insert chart and made multiple charts with different chart types.

Now, whenever I change the PT filter the graphs for all the charts are changing.

Is this what you are looking?

Prasad DN
I'm not sure I understand, I'm trying to build multiple charts that would use different data elements from the table, so they wouldn't use exactly the same data. Can this be done?
Can you use slicers to do the trick? A single slicer can be attached to several charts.
