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FILTEr Error values in pivot table


Hi at all guys
Ermgency. I need to understand rapidly if it is possible at all to filter error values in a pivot table; hiding row values that contain errors values in some data column

please help

This forum operates 24/7 with members in countries all around the world, a question may be answered by someone and then go quite, there are many reasons for this as members have many things to do outside of the Forum, eat, sleep, work, hobbies, family the list goes on and on. A reply and answer may be urgent and important to you but not to the members.
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Solved by myself. Sorry for the word "emergency". In any case, as you said, if it is an emergency for me that not imply that should be the same for a reader, or he must be forced to consider the message as it. No one here is an exploiter of friends of the forum. Therefore the aggressive tone used is something, in my opinion, out of scope. Anyway, thnx for the learning.
