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Filter column grater than 7 days ageing

hi Marc, here I attached the file

please help, if you can , I want only number of days in this each 4 columns .as per above image


  • LOB Ageing Complete.xlsb
    276.3 KB · Views: 1
Next time before creating any thread see what you could do yourself
just with the Excel basics features as often faster than waiting for any code.

If you will really need to create a thread, you must show how you are
involved in your project by showing your work and at least with
a complete and crystal clear explanation with before & after workbooks
attachment in order there is nothing to decipher neither to guess
so you may have a solution directly in post #2 …

This thread is a mess as there are 50 posts to read to try to understand
what you need instead of all the necessary in the original post …

As a reminder :
the better explanation & attachment, the better & quicker solution …

Of course as a VBA forum and not a do-my-job.com, it's for people
who want to learn how to code and when helpers see same people
asking in every thread for same kind of stuff,
they may be upset and do not want to help anymore …

No more time, I have to go now.
Still something missing? Yes/No?
Don't You have those 'max dates'? Yes/No?
Aren't those 'green values' in same sheet? Yes/No?
Can You eg hide some columns? Yes/No?
Can You 'Copy&Paste' needed columns to needed place? Yes/No?
Should You try to do something Yourself? Yes/No?
> It's hard to find out positive things which could write here <
Still something missing? Yes/No? - Yes sir
Don't You have those 'max dates'? Yes/No? yes
Aren't those 'green values' in same sheet? Yes/No? yes
Can You eg hide some columns? Yes/No?
or -- i check but hided column also taking
Can You 'Copy&Paste' needed columns to needed place? Yes/No? yes
Should You try to do something Yourself? Yes/No? i tried sir, came 50%
> It's hard to find out positive things which could write here <

i tried below code it works but issue is i cant able to cut days
cound u pls help to remove the days on credit and kyc column

 Sub Credit()

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    On Error Resume Next
    With Sheets("Ageing")
        e_max = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "N").End(xlUp).Row
    End With
    With Sheets("Ageing")
       .Range("BJ1") = "Credit"
            For f = 2 To e_max
                chk_f = Sheets("Ageing").Cells(f, 14)
                Fcut = WorksheetFunction.Find("-", chk_f, 1)
                .Cells(f, 14) = Left(chk_f, Fcut - 1)
                .Cells(f, 62) = Mid(chk_f, Fcut + 1)
                Dcut = WorksheetFunction.Find(" Days", .Cells(f, 62))
            Next f
         Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End With
End Sub


  • LOB Ageing Complete_credit.xlsb
    66.5 KB · Views: 1
Have You tried to run Your code step-by-step,
especially after the 1st 'End With'?

You have there one loop.
What would do Your next line?

You take .cells(f,14) value for chk_f.

Do You have idea how to take 'day'-value from text?
... You'll cut something away in the beginning and in the end.

You would do same for other needed value too.

For me, 'help' has different meaning than to do You work.