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Filter by sheet


New Member
I have daily production populated per sheet(ive 31 sheets) and would like to have an extra sheet for summarising daily data.I would like to write a fomular that allows me to conditionally generate graphs based on dates.The table and date cell are the same for all my sheets.

I want to write a fomular that work in such a way that if i select a date then i can create graphs based on data for that data(my sheets are named based on the date).

Can you assist.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

I am going to suggest that best practice is too put all your data in 1 big table on 1 worksheet

You can then extract data simply into a number of standard reports, perform Pivot Tables and Filter data for 1 off reports so much easier than having the data stored on monthly sheets

The time it will take to consolidate the data and setup a few reports will pay itself back 10 fold in simplicity and power in enabling you to do much more with your data in the future.