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Extracting text - is there a simpler, more elegant way to solve this problem?


New Member
Hi all

I want to extract the word Gas from the text string "Walking Gazelle Gas-Water" - text in cell A15. I have a solution, which is:

=MID(A15,FIND(" ",A15,FIND(" ",A15)+1)+1,LEN(A15)-FIND(" ",A15,FIND(" ",A15)+1)-(LEN(A15)-LEN(RIGHT(A15,FIND("-",A15)))+1))

But I did wonder if anyone knew of a shorter, simpler way of solving the problem.

Thanks for reading

if your word to find always has "-" and always consist of 3 words, you can try below

Hi !

I prefer a two cells way to avoid gas-factory formulas …     For example :

cell G15 formula :   =REPLACE(A15,1,FIND(" ",A15,FIND(" ",A15)+1),"")

cell H15 formula :   =MID(G15,1,FIND("-",G15)-1)


For a unique cell formula in a shorter way,

nothing else than a VBA personal function like this one (to be inserted in a normal module) :

Function ExtractLast(After As String, Before As String, Cel As String) As String
P = InStrRev(Cel, After)
If P Then E = InStr(P + 1, Cel, Before)
If E Then ExtractLast = Mid(Cel, P + 1, E - P - 1)
End Function

The cell formula is :   =ExtractLast(" ","-",A15)

Hi, blueguitar23!

If for extracting you mean removing you can use this:

=SUSTITUIR(A1;"Gas";"") -----> in english: =SUBSTITE(A1,"Gas","")
