I need to extract all of these from the master file when i type only the employment no. So its easy for to figure out the SL,UL on its corresponding date and week.
from my master file in the second sheet when i type in the employment no, 26 month rolling period means, i just need to extract only the rows with SL and UL from the current date upto 26 weeks above, i,e around 182 days.
You are always helpful, Thanks for this awesome solution. Still i have something to ask...can we make the formula so that it can only search from the current date upto 190 days above.I.e 26 weeks rolling period. We update the attendance everyday so the formula should look at the latest date and extract all the ones 190 days above not the whole.
I think the formulae are doing that ; or at least , it is not using the current date ; instead it is using the last date entered in your data , and looking at 26 weeks prior to that date. This is why data prior to Week 6 will not be considered. Can you recheck ?
I have made some common changes and the formula is not working, can you tell me why? and send me the solution too. I have made changes in some of the upper cell and add in new one too. I am very thankful for all your help.
I have checked it out but the formula is checking from the top to 180 days, i want the formula to extract from the latest date to 180 days above, i.e if today is the date and so on. it extract all the SL and UL from today to 180 days above.
This is the origional XLS file that i have. I tried but failed to get the answer with these multiple sheets of the file...please help. I want all the sheets, staffs to be included.
I think if you take a little trouble to go through all the formulae and find out what the problem is , you will be able to resolve these issues.
The text SDO is appearing because the formulae in column C are using the MATCH function to retrieve information associated with the date ; the date itself is correct , but the information relating to the leave category is being retrieved wrongly because there are 2 dates 12-Apr-13.
If you see the data , B113 should have been 14-Apr-2013 ; instead it is wrongly entered as 12-Apr-2013.