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Extracting Hours


New Member

I have a column named "Elapsed Open Time' and the data is in the format HH:MM:SS.

The HH is not restricted to max limit of 24. So, a sample data is "34:20:12" meaning the particular record is 34 hours 20 min and 12 seconds old.

I need to extract the HH value alone(in this case, only 34)

When I try to change it using TEXT()and extract using LEFT(), The value 34:20:12 gets converted to 10:20:12.

Help required in extracting HH(34).

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

If you want to just display the hours use: =INT(A1*24)/24

and apply a display format of HH

If you want to use the hours elsewhere as a Number

Hi Hui,

Thanks for replying & welcoming me to the Forum.

When I tried using the formula you have suggested, the following happens:

A1 = 34:02:04 (The formula bar shows: 1/1/1900 10:02:04 AM) - got from data dump

B1 = INT(A1*24)/24 gives me 10:00:00

But, I want the B1 value to be 34:00:00 and not the value that subtracts 24 hours.

Is this possible?

And, Is the data format correct for Cell A1?
Hi sarahma,

Assuming everything else remains the same, use this formula:


Hi, sarahma!

You should have your A1 cell formatted as:


otherwise you wouldn't see 34:10:20 as a time value, only as a string value.

So if this is the case try this:

=VALOR(TEXTO(A1;"[h]")) -----> in english: =VALUE(TEXT(A1,"[h]")
