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Extract Word from a Sentence


New Member
Hi, I am new to Chandoo.org. I am facing a problem and trying to find a solution.

From this sentence: Draft Profitability Statement for July 2020, I want to extract only July. I used MID and FIND function but did not get any suitable results. Is there anyone who can give me a solution?

The formula I used is here:
+MID(A3, FIND(" ",A3)+1, FIND(" ",A3,FIND(" ",A3,FIND(" ",A3)+1))-1-FIND(" ",A3))

I think I am not understanding the formula properly. Again a solution is welcome. Thank you.
If you create a helper range or an array constant named 'months' containing a list of months
= LOOKUP(1000, SEARCH(months, String), months)
If you want, try without helper column

Extract the last two words from the sentence, regardless of the length of the sentence.
=MID(A3,FIND(" ",A3,FIND("@",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","@",LEN(A3)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",""))-1),1))+1,256)
Extract Second Last word from a sentence
=TRIM(LEFT(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",REPT(" ",300)),600),300))
