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extract text between 2 identical characters in a cell



I would like to extract data between two identical words in an excel cell.

The length of the string varies in each cell. The occurrence of the word "or" happens 2/3 times in a cell in my data sample. example APPLE or ORANGE or PEAS

I used this formula to extract all words before the first occurrence of "or"

=LEFT($A6; SEARCH("or";$A6;1)) = APPLE.

How can I extract "ORANGES" and "PEAS" to their own cells?

Help much appreciated.
Since you did not provide file I assumed that there is always 1 space between each word including "or" also that word Orange is with capitalized Or so it wont match the same as "or". in this case for second word


third word

=RIGHT(A6,LEN(A6)-FIND("#",SUBSTITUTE(A6," ","#",LEN(A6)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A6," ","")))))

just replace commas with semicolons for your excel
Since you did not provide file I assumed that there is always 1 space between each word including "or" also that word Orange is with capitalized Or so it wont match the same as "or". in this case for second word


third word

=RIGHT(A6,LEN(A6)-FIND("#",SUBSTITUTE(A6," ","#",LEN(A6)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A6," ","")))))

just replace commas with semicolons for your excel

Thanks alot!

This works brilliantly for the second word. I just noticed the "third word" might be a sentence. eg PEAS AT THE SHOP. in this case, it doesn't seem to work. How can I get it to work for the sentence scenario?