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extract list with same dates and customers


New Member

I want to extract a list from a table with all the activity of a customer sorted by date for a given period. The data is necessary as a specification to an invoice.

Data should look like this.

Date | Activity | Name | No. of Hours

My problem is that on some dates there are multiple activities. And I cannot use an index funtion because that finds only one row with a certain date, it does not return the other (same) dates.

I am looking for a solution without VBA or macro. A pivot table is no option here because of the (non) expertise of the end users.


Kind regards

Welcome to the forums!

Would an AdvancedFilter work for you?


You could setup your criteria as either Customer Name or Date (or both).

Thank you for your swift answer.

I did not know about this feature and it certainly helps me.

However I am looking for a solution that is easier to handle.

I had something in mind that the end users just fill in the period and customer number.

And excel than returns the desired specifications.

(In case of any corrections, the data could be easily refreshed.)

Perhaps that is possible with this solution, but if so, I don't know how to.

Kind regards,

Perhaps something like this? Debra gives an example of a sheet that automatically updates, and even gives a downloadable workbook that you could possibly use as a template.
