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External Table Refresh Status


New Member
Hello Everyone,

I have an excel file with an external table linked to a SharePoint list. I have set the connection properties of the external table to refresh while opening the file.

Now there are two situations:

a. User is offline and table does not update

b. User is online and table gets updated

I would like to showcase in a given field say "Sheet 1" cell "A1" the timestamp when the data was last refreshed. So in first case A1 will have timestamp of last time when user was online while opening the file. In second case A1 will reflect time stamp when the file is opened.

To reiterate and be very clear, I don't have problems with data updates but would like to show to the user whether (s)he is working on latest data or last fetched data.

Any help is welcome!


Hello Again,

Not sure if my query was well understood. Rewording the same here...

I have a table (External Table) with connections to a SharePoint list which automatically gets updated when the file is opened. I want to show the user the time when the table was last updated.

