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Exporting Non-Zero Entries into a New Table


New Member
I have a table that will always have Qty. 15 entries. At times, some of the table entries will have a zero value. I would like to create a new table that only has the non-zero entries. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Hi, craymer!

It's strange that you have read the green sticky posts as you said here:


as you started 2 topics and didn't passed thru the kindly suggested one of "Introduce yourself" but maybe you're in a hurry and intend to do it later, or straightly don't do it, and it's all fine, as it's only an invitation not a requirement.

Regarding your question, try this:

a) H3: =CONTAR.SI($C$3:$C3;">0") -----> in english: =COUNTIF($C$3:$C3,">0")

b) I3: =SI.ERROR(INDICE($B$3:$C$19;COINCIDIR(FILA()-2;$H$3:$H$19;0);1);"") -----> in english: =IFERROR(INDEX($B$3:$C$19,MATCH(ROW()-2,$H$3:$H$19,0),1),"")

c) Copy down thru row 19.

SirJB7, my apologies, I didn't realize the "Introduce Yourself" thread was frequently read by forum members. I will venture over there shortly and introduce myself. On a side note, I ended up using advanced filters as a solution to my problem!
Hi, craymer!

Glad you could solve it. Thanks for your feedback and for sharing your solution with the community. Welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
