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Explain Error Message


I keep getting this message - can anyone explain it to me -

Repaired part;/xl/worksheets/sheet3.xml part with XML error. Load error. Line 2, column 0,

Many thanks
Hi David ,

Without the workbook , it is difficult to give an accurate answer ; all that is clear is that there is some problem in Sheet3 of the workbook ; can you copy it to a new workbook , save that workbook , reopen it and see if you get the same error with that workbook ?

Hi Narayan
The sheet is part of a workbook that is quite customised - lots of Data validation / macros etc.
This sheet 3 is probably at the heart of the workbook.
Will copying it out and trying it be useful/

Hi David ,

No idea ; probably worth trying !

Otherwise , if you can upload the entire workbook , please do so.

Another possibility is saving in .xlsb format , and seeing if the same error appears when you open the .xlsb file ; yet another option is saving it under a new name after selecting the Save As option , reopening the new file and seeing what happens.
