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Execute macro at a specific time to do a batch update


Hi team,

I have a list of 5 sheets and they work in a sequence. I have to run them everyday and it takes 2 - 3hours every day for every file and I'm looking for a solution with which can run like batch update all by itself update like the below:

File 1: runs the macro at 16:00hrs, saves the file, close & opens the file 2
File 2: runs the macro in the sheet, saves the file, close & opens the file 3
File 3: runs the macro in the sheet, saves the file, close &opens the file 4
File 4: runs the macro in the sheet, saves the file, close &opens the file 5
File 5: runs the macro in the sheet, saves the file as "file name & dd-mm-yyyy" and close.

Is it possible?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

I tried to use the auto scheduler as an option to run macro but wasn't really successfull in my attempts. could you please help?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,