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Excel workbook received by e-mail gets stripped of its formulae


New Member
On a particular computer, whichever Excel workbooks are received by e-mail, I notice that the formulas in the workbook loses its references and the #REF! error is displayed.

However, on that same computer, Excel files copied directly using a pen drive does not show this error.

Further, the very same e-mails received on certain other computers does not show this problem.

It therefore appears that there is some local security setting on that problematic computer that is responsible for this problem.

Please help in resolving this.
#REF! errors are displayed when Excel cannot workout a reference to a cell or location.

So that if your file was linked to another file or a Database on your network and you open the file from the email this is most likely what is wrong.

Save the file locally and then open it, does that help ?

It could also eb due to the permissions of the user, that is does the person recieing the email have appropriate access to that network drive or database?