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Excel VBA: Adding more legends in excel charts. Or can I replace legends with a text box or picture?


New Member
I am generating barcharts using excel vba in which y axis meet x axis at 100. My data range is from 0 to 100. My chart has 3 series collection. So I gave red and its variants to values less than 100 and green and its variants to values greater than 100. The problem is with legends. I can have only 3 legends. It can be used to represent only either values greater than 100 or lesser than 100.
Here is the snapshot of my chart. It represents only left side.1.JPG

I would like to have legends like this (I made this in paint).


Can we make this possible? Is it possible to add dummy legends? Or can I add a picture like above in the place of legends?
A Chart can only have 1 legend
But it can have a s many text or other objects embeded in it as you like
You can add images into the chart which will duplicate legends, its just that they are static and can't be changed without VBA