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Excel to .pdf (not lining up)


New Member
I recently come across a problem in converting Excel charts into .pdf files. In short, the data set/chart in Excel looks ok, but when I go to save it to a .pdf file the lines in the charts data table don't line up. We're using MS 2007.
Insufficient data to process your request, Craig. What do you mean by "in Excel looks ok"? what do you mean by "lines in the charts data table don't line up"?

Have you printed both in Excel and PDF? what is the difference? I'm using MS 2007, too. but it also "looks ok" to me in both excel and PDF print out. Monitor can be tricky to the eyes sometimes. So I'd suggest printing it out on a piece of paper and compare the charts side by side.

Is this a work problem? May be your IT department can fix it. It may not have to do with Excel but another program getting Excel to save the file as pdf. Hope this help.
Select a chart

Right Click, Format Chart Area,

Properties Tab

Change Object Positioning to Don't Move or Size with Cells

Repeat for all Charts and other objects