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Excel Links


I have 4 excel files which have linked with each other. Suppose if I insert 10 rows in a particular file and want all the file to get updated automatically, is there any way out.
My idea is when we link a file with another file then excel freeze that formula with "$". So if insert rows in a file whether all the linked file will get updated or not?

Thanks in advance!!
Hi Neeraj,
When you link two or more excel files, and insert rows in original file, the linked file will get the new location automatically updated, but it would not change the position in itself.

Book1.xlsx (sheet1 A1 cell) is linked to Book2 (sheet1 A1 cell). The formula in book1 A1 cell will be =[Book2]Sheet1!$A$1

Now I will inserted 4 rows above first row in Book2. the result in Book1 will be as follows:
formula will be automatically changed to =[Book2]Sheet1!$A$4,
but the formula will continue to be in A1, and not in A4 or no rows are added in book1.

Hope this answers your question.

Prasad DN