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Excel Linking Question


Hello All,

Question about links. I am trying to create a link between spreadsheets that will add new cells inserted into a range. Normally I just copy the range, paste special, paste links no problem. Here is the twist. Let say you have two sheets (SH1 and SH2). If I copy a range of cells (say for example A5:10), then link them to SH2. How can I get the range on SH2 to adapt if I add in a row on SH1. (SH1 Range = A5: A11, cell was inserted in the middle of the range). I tried using named ranges, but since they are absolute, no luck.... any thoughts?


I tried using named ranges, but since they are absolute,

Who said they have to be? <grin>

Define a named range "MyList" as so:


Note that this range will grow in size as more data is entered in cells A5:A1000

Then, in SH2, 1st formula is:


Copy down as far as you would ever need.

What you are using is known as Dynamic Ranges

they are discussed here: http://chandoo.org/wp/2009/10/15/dynamic-chart-data-series/