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Excel Link


New Member
While working in one of my excel 2007 file , i used link to take the amount from other sheet in same workbook , but the result it was displaying was 0, it was not picking up the amount from other sheet.Can anyone help me let know how this type of error arise
Hi Sushanth,

I think, the linked cell must be blank. Could you please check the attached file.

P.S. - or the actual amount could be 0 also, please verify the value of original cell.


  • Chandoo.xls
    22.5 KB · Views: 1
Good day Sushanth

You links are working correctly, they are returning 0 because that is whats there zero, if you think that is wrong please upload so that they can be checked
Hi, Sushanth!
Do you have calculation mode set to automatic or manual? If you press F9 does anything changes? And with Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F9?
Hi Sushanth,

It's hard to tell without you telling us if you have a formula or format on the cell.

For example if in A1 you had .0254, then you had in B1 =ROUND(A1,0), that would give you zero