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Excel help in split sizes



please I need your support in my sheet calculation,
in a recap, I work in Aluminium doors installation, and I have the bars that will be split to get the Length and the width to install doors, I have 2 sizes for this bars "600 cm" and "650 cm".

the question if I have 50 doors need to be installed and I know its (length × width), i need to know how many bars which I need? and how to split this bars _with the best possible way_ into 2 ribs for length and 2 ribs for width?

Knowing I possessed two types of bar sizes "600 cm" and "650 cm"

the worksheet contain multiple door projects, and space for each door divided into (L) cm × (H) cm, then 2 ribs for length and 2 ribs for width.

what is the best scenario we can apply in order to benefit the maximum benefit in bars splitting


for any missing info and misunderstanding, I can clarify much more


  • Book1.xlsx
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Hi ,

I am not sure that this kind of optimization can be done using Excel formulae.

What is required is :

1. The number of different sizes ; from the little data that you have given , I can see the following :
  • 310 x 310
  • 230 x 210
  • 230 x 170
  • 160 x 160
  • 110 x 110
  • 260 x 210
  • 360 x 310
If there are more , please give all of them.

2. The quantity in each size ; if there are a total of 50 doors , how many will be of type 310 x 310 , how many will be of type 230 x 210 ,...

@Eloise T

Sorry i've a problem about image uploading. But it is a snapshot for the excel sheet not more.


The posted is just an example but not real data. For what about of number of doors its according to the Customer Order may be reach to 50 or more and sometimes the number doesn't greater than 10 or less.

I can't put my hand on the best applied scenario to build the query. So if you need to give a real data no problem about that. for ''The quantity in each size'' if it must to be categorized. What if i'm not sure if i always have the same type of size. You can provide me with all info that you need then i'll clarify.

appreciate your great support, I just need to inform you that i'm interested about the sheet, but at the same time i didn't like to push you to be compressed.
Hi ,

I am sorry , but I am not able to find any way to automate this optimization process ; how exactly are you doing it at present , and what is the amount of wastage that is taking place now ?

Hello Narayan,

No problem ever, I know that optimization is considerably hard to be done, I'm exactly doing it randomly, I've split my bars per window length and it causes a lot of waste of cost, I can't count the amount of wastage because of the number of projects is growing up.

I'll try to do my researches then as soon as I get an effective solution, I'll back to share the knowledge.

thanks a lot Narayan for your interest and your time.
Hi ,

Do you mean to say that the file you uploaded is a sample file ?

Is there any file relating to an upcoming project or an on-going project ?

If you can upload that file , then we can see how your working compares with my working ; that will give us an idea of how your present system can be improved.

This is similar to cutting Pipes as per the isometrics. When I searched for those following youtube length came up. Might be useful.
Hi Narayan,

It's not sample file, but this data is for One project which when I finish it, I'll take another project with differents number of windows or doors and different lengths.

yes, there are some data relating to an upcoming project or an on-going project.

if you need to post that files, please let me know.

I'll take a look at the mentioned software hope if it will help
we can get it closer by overlooking some conditions if it would help.

| We can do that splitting for a few number of lengths per each time eg: we can set 10 sizes at most but not 50 or more

|| We can use One size of bars "600 cm"or "650 cm". I Supposed the variety will give us a flexibility in our optimization.

||| It's not must to get zero waste at 600 & 650, but just the best way to get few of waste.
Hi ,

The problem is :

1. The sizes required for the doors are many ; there are 35 in all.

2. The quantities vary a lot , from 1 piece for a size , to more than 80 for another piece.

3. The combinations are so many that I doubt even the software that is available can really optimize wastage.

Manually scrutinising all the lengths , the following 3 are the first possible :

1. 14 lengths of 600 mm = 76 lengths of 110 mm - wastage of 40 mm.

2. 5 lengths of 600 mm = 23 lengths of 130 mm - wastage of 10 mm.

3. 3 lengths of 600 mm = 4 lengths of 222 and 4 lengths of 228 mm - wastage of 0 mm.
