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Excel Formula [SOLVED]


New Member
is there a way to update the date in a cell that has text also and show it as a date formate for the date part

I have a Cell that i have to update the date part of the text daily.


Completed Loans 7/18/13

I got it to work with ="Completed Loans"&" "&Today() but it comes up as Completed Loans 41474.
Hi, Rlopez24!

You can do it in at least 2 ways:

a) ="Completed Loans "&TEXT(TODAY(),"mm/dd/yyyy")

b) =TODAY() ...and format cell as Custom with this format: "Completed Loans "mm/dd/yyyy

In the first case the cell will contain a text value and in the second a numeric (date) value.

Hi, Rlopez24!

Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
