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Excel Checkboxes Performing Word Doc Merges


New Member

I'm struggling to come up with some code that will allow me to combine the contents of Word documents (saved in a folder on one my drives) based on what checkboxes I select on Excel. For example, if I select checkboxes 2 and 5 the assigned Word documents for these two checkboxes will then be combined into one new document. Currently, I have 10 checkboxes so there could be multiple variations to merge (example, 1, 2 and 3...5 thru 8....1,7,10, all of them, etc). There will be additional checkboxes as it becomes warranted.

I really need some help.....any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
Here is a sample file of data I had used previously on another task. The USERFORM tab will be visible while the other tabs will be hidden was I've completed this project. Based on what checkboxes are selected (in this sample file, I have 90+ checkboxes), I'd like to press on the MS Word icon to trigger and complete the merger of those files assigned to each checkbox. I hope this makes sense.


  • VBA test (cbox to Word merge).xlsm
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