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Hi Team,

I need to create an add-in in Excel which will have to check every excel workbook that is open & active to see it has Sheets with specific name like ex "Source-101" & "Reporting-1001" and the if it find them in the work book then proceed to check if the Cell "N93" have the text " Reported" in Reporting-1001 sheet only.

If cell "N93 is not Reported then a message box should populate say the file is not reported.

Note: The Cell N-93 is a hidden cell in a protected sheet.

Appreciate your help in this regard.
Hi Marc L ,

As i mentioned i want that addin to check in all work book that user open and works on for those two Specific sheet name and specific text in specfic cell then pop up a message box.
if the Sheets names doen't match exit code .

Hopefully i answered your question.

Easier to code a workbook event within specific workbook
containing those specific worksheets …