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Excel 2013 significantly slower for this code than 2003, why?


New Member
In my work I use the following application code frequently.
Since Office 2003 nears end of support I decided to upgrade to the latest, 2013 on Windows 7.
Running the above macro on a similar data takes 35 seconds on Excel 2003 versus 3 minutes in Excel 2013. (Lenovo T420, i5, 8GB RAM, w7Pro).
Is there anything that can be improved to increase usability of the code above?
Can I downgrade to 2010 with my existing license?
Ping me if you need input files to verify.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

Are you able to supply an input "NMON" file that we can use to test out the code ?

Have you analysed this at all to see where the time is being lost ? ie which Subroutine or Function ?
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Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

Are you able to supply an input "NMON" file that we can use to test out the code ?

Have you analysed this at all to see where the time is being lost ? ie which Subroutine or Function ?

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

Are you able to supply an input "NMON" file that we can use to test out the code ?

Have you analysed this at all to see where the time is being lost ? ie which Subroutine or Function ?

It seems every function is slower? Opening input file, loading etc..
Here is one example:


bad codes, like ones generated by the Macro Recorder, are faster on 2003 Excel version than 2007 and upper …​
Just for giggles, did try disabling any other addin's you have enabled and try rerunning the code.
Hi Fredrik ,

For what the software ( it's almost 3000 lines long ) is doing , I think even 3 minutes is fairly OK , though on Excel 2007 , which I use , it takes the same time that you mention it takes on Excel 2003.

It is creating more than 50 worksheets , nearly 40 of which are charts.

You can go through the user guide and see if you can disable the creation of those sheets which you do not need ; you can see if reducing the creation of unwanted sheets reduces the run time. Out of the 40 chart sheets , if you mostly want to look at the Summary sheet , and only in case of a problem you would like to look at the details , then you can see if this option exists.

Hi, Hui!
Maybe the Nmon file has surreptitiously taken over by a gNome.
PS: I looked under my green hat and it isn't there.