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Excel 2010 hyperlink unexpected error


New Member
While creating the hyperlink in excel, i am getting the unexpected error. What is the cause of it. Whenever i click on the hyperlink, it says unexpected error .

Please guide


It is only showing "unexpected error has ocurred ". Thats what is written on dialogue box. I cant post anything s all sites are blocked in office. But that is the only thing written in box
This has nothing to do with excel, after reading up on it. It looks like you need to update any programs that the link goes to.

For instance, one user had to update Quicktime because it was the program that was opened when the hyperlink was clicked.
Good day

You should really check your hyper link address, it does not take much of an input error to give Excel a head ache and the error message you are getting will pop up
Hi, saadferoze!

Tried creating a new hyperlink let's say to this site? It appears the same error?
