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Excel 2010 hide zero values


New Member
How do I hide zero values in Excel 2010? In 2007, there was a check box. This is necessary since I have different number formats on the same page and I don't want to include it in a formula.
That's a good question. I'm trying to figure that out myself. I've looked thru all the menu choices - File, Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas, Data, Review, View, and PDF but can't find any reference to zero values or any box to check for it. In previous versions it was easy - it was under tools, but there is no tool menu in 2010. I must have a different version than the answer above because I don't have an Excel Options menu choice. Any help on this would be appreciated. Thank you.
Thank you for the reply Hui. But I'm brand new to Excel 2010, so I don't even know where to find exit. Is it under the view tab? For me I need a step by step of where to start and how to get there after that - like click the View tab at the top of Excel, then click this, then click this etc. Thank you for your help.
File, Options (Second bottom)

File, Exit (at the very bottom)
Thank you! This new Excel just seems backwards to me. I was expecting this to be like in the middle menu choices like it was before. It took me forever to find set print area. I'm used to that being under File, and something like options to be under a middle top menu area, and now its all backwards. Man it's going to be like starting over to learn this new Excel. Anyway, I digress. Thanks again.
Start to think logically about things in Excel and the new menus will start making a lot of sense

If you want to insert something, Insert

If you want to process Data, Data

If you want to set a page setting like Print Area, Page Layout

and don't forget those little triangles at the bottom Right Corner of some Ribbon Items, they pull out another menu
How do I hide the "-" that appears in a cell that has a formula but no results because of no data in the cells the formula refers to. ie. the formula is =D11*0.05 and there is no data in D11 so in E11 i get the "-". I am sure there is a simple formatting that would fix this, but I cannot find it. Thanks for any help you can give.
Hi ,

This may be due to the formatting having been selected as ACCOUNTING ; right click on the cell ( E11 ) , click on FORMAT CELLS , and click on GENERAL or NUMBER.

If you now find a 0 is being displayed , and do not want this to be displayed , select the Excel Options and uncheck the box for the option SHOW A ZERO IN CELLS THAT HAVE ZERO VALUE.

@All (i.e, Hi!)

If someone happens to find a cell that displays a zero value with a dollar sign, please look if the worksheet looks like a wallet.

And advise: I lost mine and I don't remember where... but surely it has 0$ right now :)
