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Excel 2003 - Random changes to Shared spreadsheet


New Member
Here's the issue:

I work on a 3K spreadsheet that is shared. At any given point in time, there are 3-4 users logged in. The cells are formatted with either text color, cell color, italics, bold, date and/or time. This information is all used to communicate at a glance the status of the orders.

The first issue: We've noticed that if User1 opens the spreadsheet and User2 opens it, the formatting will not match. If U1 shows cell A13 as red, U2 may show it with no color. If User3 opens it up, they might find a totally different color scheme to random cells. If U1 corrects the cell colors and then hits Save, this may or may not be reflected for the other two users. However, if U1 changes a cell that is otherwise unaffected for U2 and U3, the result will be reflected upon saving.

The second issue: The above has been going on for months. Today a new issue popped up. Excel is randomly deleting data in the same file. My coworker and I happened to be looking at an order and talking about it from separate workstations. He had made updates and hit Save. Immediately the order disappeared from his worksheet (same Shared worksheet mentioned above). I then hit Save and it didn't immediately disappear until a couple of Saves later.

The third issue: Same file, 3k, and it's not getting any better. After turning on Tracking Changes (me thinking he was jacking with the spreadsheet) I noticed that changes were showing made, but what was in the cell was not matching the change noted. Example, the change shows cell A13 went from 'blank' to 'y'. The cell is still visually blank. This was happening repeatedly on all tabs.

Issue number four: I recommend Captain and Coke. Now as I browse trying to figure out the 'user error' that IT keeps informing me of, I'm seeing that random cells have repeated text from the column. So as to say, if the data ends on row 14, there is similar text in row 17 that would be applicable to the column it's in. Ex. if Column N is either Y or N, N17 will randomly insert one of the two and it might be the only cell in the row or column to have data. It gets better when the Tracking Changes shows that I PUT IT THERE!

IT Solutions (honest to God) and results:

1. Reboot - same

2. Exit out and open - Seriously? See issue 1-4.

3. User error - verified it is NOT that

4. IT opens file - Excel crashes and/or file won't open (there's a thought for you)

5. Someone is making changes - Solution ignored

6. Let's make a backup copy and use that - Brilliant, isn't that like the Chaos Theory?

7. Let's make another copy and take out all the hidden formatting - reduced file to 2K

8. Why aren't you using the second copy - See #6

9. It must be a converter issue - we're ALL ON 2003!

10. The file must be corrupt due to a virus - you clean/scheduled maintanence all the computers once a month for malware and viruses. None have been reported on any of the workstations involved - oh wait, the IT director had something like 6 on his...sorry, I've digressed.

Final solution...wait for it....wait for it...

IT copies a master file and discourages use of any formatting. States that it will keep the file smaller (because 3k was too big?). Therefore there should be no more issues.

Guys, I'm not computer savvy, HOWEVER last I checked, isn't all of that what Excel was built to do?

Why is Excel 2003 doing what it's doing, is there a fix/preventative? How can I check to see if the file is corrupt and or what is corrupting it? Is this something that is common with Shared files?

This is a critical worksheet that nobody messes with and we are meticulous with. One workstation uploads the orders, another moves/deletes/colors/enters data, another inputs one column.

Hi, Windy!

Could you please upload a sample file? Please refer to the green sticky topics at this forums main page for general guidelines.

Is there a just-formulas workbook or it has macros and/or triggered event's code? Does it have any sort of buttons, control, shapes or anything that can have code behind? Do you perform sort operations on it? Filtering and copying? Do you import data?

It'd be helpful to get a copy of that file, to check the eventual VBA code it might have, and to know what kind of actions do you -as users- perform on it.

Not a word about IT guys recommendation until getting all previously asked. Except that a 3K Excel file doesn't seem to be as heavy as to crash the program.

The file...I might can get a sample tomorrow, the concern is that if there is a virus attached - it's going to crash my personal laptop. That might take me from Captain an Coke to straight Crown on the rocks.

As for the rest:

Is there a just-formulas workbook or it has macros and/or triggered event's code? There are no macros. Simple data entry workbook. No formulas either.

Does it have any sort of buttons, control, shapes or anything that can have code behind? Negative, picture/convenience free. I'm not allowed to do things to it the others might not understand. *grin*

Do you perform sort operations on it? Yes - AutoFilter. Also Sort by headers about every 5 minutes, but usually this is only done on my computer. I do copy/paste and delete rows frequently. I use the shortcut keys (Ctrl-V etc). IT suggested that I only use Paste Special and choose the Values option using the right click on the mouse.

Quick summation:

Typical day looks like this - Open file, turn on Autofilter, filter file, Sort file, copy/paste data from one tab to the next (dated tabs), insert tabs if needed. As orders line up, I assign docks via the wksht and Save. Dock guys hit Save and update, then when order ships, they enter the data and Save. I update, resort and continue on. Eventually User 3 copy/pastes the next day's orders into the following day tab and then gets out of the workbook. I use the Find feature regularly when looking for an order. The file is password protected but other departments do pop in under Read Only.

Basically, we are using Excel primarily between two computers for shipping software. (IT's cheap) The Wksht allows me to dispatch drivers to doors, communicate it to the dock and vice versa. I use font color to show why an order was moved; cell color to highlight important changes to the dock guys, font formatting to communicate key orders etc.
One more thing, perhaps unrelated, but I've often wondered if my Office Suite isn't corrupted and potentially causing the file to corrupt. Reason being is that periodically, ONLY my workstation (out of the entire building) will lock up in the middle of a keystroke. After rebooting, I'll open and then close Outlook only to get a .dot file error message. IT blames a corrupt .dot file and says 'just say cancel or no'.

My naive assumption is that they are part of the same package - why couldn't one be rubbing off on the other?
Hi, Windy!

About the virus, if it's attached to an Excel file it would only cause harm if you open it and allow macros to be run. Otherwise it won't be triggered. Unless it is a kind of virus that not only affect Excel files but all file types, which is if not impossible but at least highly improbable and even more if you have such an antivirus IT policy as described.

For safer action (actually not, but for your peace of mind), zip or rar (compress it) at the source equipment and then copy to your laptop the compressed file, then upload it.

About C&C&C&rocks, don't let me out!

If there are no formulas (!!!), no macros, no buttons or shapes with code behind, just sorts and filtering, and copying & pasting, I presume that it's just a matter of operation, i.e., how do you -users- use that workbook.

At this point, IT guys' recommendations (no formatting, use Paste Special & Values) appear to be part of the best practices. But I'd still like to give a look at the file, and if it is possible, it'd be useful if you can describe what kind of actions you perform on the workbook explaining in detail for one or two examples how you sort, how you filter, how you paint, how and where you copy, how and were you paste.

Please provide the password within the compressed file too, or remove it prior compressing.

Respect of the eventually corrupted .dot file, could you provide the exact error message that displays the pop-up window? Do you always have to reboot? Ending the application or killing/terminating the process from Task Manager isn't enough?

Hi, Windy!

Give a look at the three green sticky posts at this forums main page. In one of them you have the general guidelines for uploading, not necessary an Excel file but any file.

I hope I did this right...

Hi, Windy!

If yet done, you should have posted the link for downloading.

Where have you uploaded it?


EDIT: discard this comment, I now see your edited post :)
Hi, Windy!

You've done it right, I could download, check with antivirus, unzip, check again, open and there were no problems. Let me see it in detail and later I'll tell you.

Hi, Windy!

Many considerations about your workbook:

a) it has no trace of virus, malware or troy horses, it's clean

b) it has no VBA code at all

c) it has no links to external sources

d) it has no formulas, you maybe using Word or Notepad indeed :)

e) it has no conditional format (which wouldn't be available if shared)

f) it has nothing but text in cells (should I offer you an agenda?)


1) from the viewpoint of the overload that it may cause to a system if you format or conditional format 10 worksheets more with a thousand rows each, it wouldn't be appreciable (message for your ITs: don't joke)

2) from the viewpoint of the operation and daily use, all the issues you notice might arise from multiple users intending to perform operations at the same time: give a look at this links related to version 2003...





Other items noticed:

- your worksheets for similar data (daily) haven't the same format, some freeze headings other not, some a font others another, some have filter others not, ... all should have the same format, freeze top rows and left columns, use same font, have filter in all columns...

- it'd be safer if you build a template sheet you protect its format and then you copy it every time you need

Operation and use:

- beware when filtering and copying, deleting or clearing contents

Hope it might help you a little.
