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Excel 03, Transparent charts..


Active Member
I've been going through the KPI dashboard tutorial (http://chandoo.org/wp/2008/08/20/create-kpi-dashboards-excel-1/). I'm at the part where we're adding in the bar charts. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to even attempt the Peltier conditionally formatted quadruple axis charts of doom, but just for learning:

is there a way to set no fill/transparent charts in excel 03?
By the way:

The KPI dashes are a great way to get to know the offset formula as well as a little bit about form controls....

To set No Fill/Transparent in Excel 2003 and before

Select the Chart Area and set the Fill Color to None

select the Plot Area and set the Fill Color to None
@dan_l... microsoft wouldnt want us to do this in one step. As Hui pointed, you need to set chart area and plot area both to fill -> none to get this work. I would suggest creating a chart template out of this (while at it, remove the darned auto-font-scaling thingie and do some other formatting stuff) so that you can easily insert charts that are ready to go.

microsoft wouldnt want us to do this in one step.



Did I mention I tried Windows 7? Best MS operating system in the last 10 years. No no, really. And then I deleted the partition. Seriously.

I'll give this a shot. That scrollable KPI tutorial really is a lot of fun.
Ok. I lied. I'm trying to do the peltier combo charts of doom. I'm trying to get them to work in 07 (I have 07 at home, 03 at work).

What are the steps for adding the line series to a bar chart? I've got:

1. Plot both series (though, in this case, there's actually 3, but you know what I mean)

2. Change chart type on the series you want to appear as the line. Make it a scatter.

3. ??????

I have the entire series showing as '5' for the purposes of learning. I want it to appear vertical across the bars. Instead, it goes horizontal and the effect is lost.
I assume you want the Scatter chart on a secondary X Axis (up top)

With the line (scatter) selected

Goto Chart Tools, Axis, Secondary Horizontal Axis and select an option

Now exactly which problem is the "Peltier combo charts of doom" ?
Hmmm. I can't seem to switch the axis. If I go into series properties, the option to assign it from a primary to a secondary is grayed out. Playing with the axis menu on the ribbon doesn't seem to do much......