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Equation in text format convert to value


Is there a way to convert string (equation) to equation able to be calculate.

Original format (column A):

22 y 180 d 5 h

Required format

8210,208333 (days)

Substitute formula helps a lot (column B).

=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A9;" y ";"*365+");" d ";"+");" h";"/24")

But I'm still unable to convert equation in text to value.
More in attachment

Thanks for any help


  • Chandoo - Equation in text format convert to value.xlsx
    12.9 KB · Views: 11
Personally, I'd just split column using Text To Columns and do calculation.

Neat way to leverage Evaluate. I've got to remember this one.

If for some reason you are not able to use macro enabled workbook...