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Enlarging and printing on multiple sheets


New Member
Dear all,

i have shift calender excel file, which i want to enlarge it and print on four A3 size sheets and stick together. i tried in different ways but failed. Now i have printed in one A3 size paper ,i want this to past it on meeting room, as one A3 size print out still looks small in the room. Any ideas, tips and tricks?
Hi Giri ,

You can define 4 print ranges , each of which can be enlarged to fit on one A3 sized paper.

Segment your calendar into 4 sections , and print each section separately.

Thank you Narayan,

I could not select the by sections due to merged cells, selection became difficult.

i even tried by increasing the colums/rows sizes. This way better than, single A3 page, but did not get what i exactly want. I tried with fit to 2 pages wide by 2 pages tall, still did not get it perfectly. just wondering where i missed it?


Can you un-merge the merged cells and apply Centre Across Selection rather than merging to get the layout you want?

Otherwise select the Calendar area

Goto Page Layout

Select A3 and Portrait/Landscape that you want

Set the Width and Height to 2 pages each

Adjust the Scale until the 4 pages are as you want, you can type manual values in if the arrows don't give you exact values you need