Marc L
Excel Ninja
method to find out the column header and the column last filled cell is the ultimate way …
In next demonstration codelines #7 to #15 can be replaced by the 3 codelines formula demonstration
but as it seems to need a couple of neurons to maintain it so I stay with a full
demonstrationin order to work with any worksheet created by Dumb or Dumber (like the movie) so whatever the attachment :
Sub DemoForDumbOrDumberWorksheet()
Const T = " Country w/o value :"
Dim Rg As Range, R&, S$
Set Rg = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Find(Split(T)(1), , xlValues, xlWhole, xlByRows)
If Not Rg Is Nothing Then
With Range(Rg, Columns(Rg.Column).Find("*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious))
Set Rg = .Find("")
If Not Rg Is Nothing Then
R = Rg.Row
S = Rg.Address(False, False)
Set Rg = .FindNext(Rg)
While Rg.Row > R
S = S & ", " & Rg.Address(False, False)
Set Rg = .FindNext(Rg)
Set Rg = Nothing
MsgBox S, vbInformation, T
End If
End With
End If
End Sub
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