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Dynamic update of a consolidated spreadsheet with values from individual files


I have 25-30 excel spreadhseets which each records the task involved in a project and records the total time taken to do individual activites.


file 1 - 35 hours - activy a

file2 - 20 hours activy b

file 3- 25 hours.activity c

There is a consolidated spreadsheet has the description of a,b & c and has the status if complete or in progress.

Each file is saved seperatey in the folder and the consolidated spreadheet is also in the same folder.

I want to be able to dynamically update the consolidated spreadsheet as and when i am entering in the activities or via a refresh button or something. Any ideas on how i can acheive this result.


The consolidated spread sheet contains

Activity a complete- 35

Activity b in progress 20

Activity c started 25

total 80 hours( the individual hours and total should be udpated periodically or when a user presses a button.

thanks for your time in reading the post.
So, each of these files is a log of hours for a given project. You want a central 'tracking' sheet pull data from these logs?
yes that is correct. i have to add an extra column that can pull the values from the sum field present on each individual log sheets. is this possible.
I know there's some methods that involve linking fields from workbook to workbook or use MS Query, depending on your needs.

Is it just a sum you want to pull out of there?
yes just the su. The sum gets calculated in the end of each worksheet indicating the hours required to complete each project. A consolidated worksheet is available which should pull the sum only and display it in its corresponding project column and a button or refresh should do this update process when pressed. is this possible.