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Dynamic Search bar in excel from partial input...

For Other reader.... Formula suggested by narayanK needs to be entered as array formula. (Ctrl+Shift+Enter)...



Hi NarayanK,

As now we have the desired value in Right side pane but I observed that I am not able to copy that. I need the flexibility to either copy or get the desired value in a defined cell on double click (say B1).

Please help. Actually I do not know VB as a language.


Hi Kuldeep ,

First , some terminology :

The right side pane ( the list box ) is displaying a list of items which match the search string entered in the left side pane ( the text box ).

There are two options :

1. You can do it in the rough and ready way ; go to the VBA Project , and click on UserForm1 ; now , right click on the list box , and click on Properties. In the list of properties which are displayed , click on the right side section against ControlSource , and enter any cell address of your choice , say J1.

Now , whenever you have just one item displayed in the list box , that item will be displayed in the worksheet cell J1.

2. I can provide a SUBMIT button , which when clicked , will transfer the sole item in the list box to a worksheet cell of your choice.

Please let me know.

Hi NarayanK,

No need to take the pain as I am more than happy with this solution. Value is being changed to the value highlighted in right pane. Thanks a ton for your prompt response ans resolution.

I have one more nightmare which is posted at http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/all-rows-to-be-copy-in-new-worksheet-based-on-predefine-multiple-criteria

Can you suggest sometime...to handle this.....

