K Kinghart Member Jul 15, 2011 #1 Hello... Little help needed to make this simple formula to work =IF(C5="","",(VLOOKUP(C5,List,COLUMN(Database!L$3)-7,1))) my problem is that excel is limiting my named range "list". How to fix it
Hello... Little help needed to make this simple formula to work =IF(C5="","",(VLOOKUP(C5,List,COLUMN(Database!L$3)-7,1))) my problem is that excel is limiting my named range "list". How to fix it
Hui Excel Ninja Staff member Jul 15, 2011 #2 COLUMN(Database!L$3)-7 will always be 5 and so list has to have at least 5 columns or there'll be an error I realize that will change as you copy it across
COLUMN(Database!L$3)-7 will always be 5 and so list has to have at least 5 columns or there'll be an error I realize that will change as you copy it across
K Kinghart Member Jul 15, 2011 #3 No. that's not the problem... I've mailed u the original workbook... Pls take a look... Some cells are crazy even though I write the correct formula..
No. that's not the problem... I've mailed u the original workbook... Pls take a look... Some cells are crazy even though I write the correct formula..
Hui Excel Ninja Staff member Jul 15, 2011 #4 Kinghart's list wasn't sorted and so VLookup was returning incorrect values Changed the formula to: =IF($C5="","",OFFSET(Database!H$2,MATCH($C5,Database!$D$3:$D$346,0),)) fixed that problem
Kinghart's list wasn't sorted and so VLookup was returning incorrect values Changed the formula to: =IF($C5="","",OFFSET(Database!H$2,MATCH($C5,Database!$D$3:$D$346,0),)) fixed that problem