Can anyone help me with a method to select a marker symbol, marker color, or place an annotation into a marker on a scatter chart based on information in additional columns of data?
Thanks for responding. I had already looked at that post, which is really clever and I'm sure I will use it someday. But I don't see how that post can help with the problem I'm currently having.
I need to make some visual markers on a series of charts that tell the audience one of 4 characteristics of each data point in addition to its location on the 2 dimensional chart. What I am plotting is the business value and intellectual property (IP) value of a set of patents on the graph. The additional data that I want to show by the type of marker for each point is whether the IP is a competitor strength, my company's strength, or both, and if there is an opportunity to create additional IP in the category. That data is contained in additional columns on the spreadsheet.