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Dynamic/Interactive Charts


New Member
I have an excel dashboard displaying company information and I have some tables which holds information about ten different companies.
Rather than display several graphs showing the table data in different ways, for example comparing companies 1 to 5 and 6 to 10 separately, I want a user to be able to select what information they see, perhaps from a drop down and it creates the graph.
I would like them to be able to create more than one graph if they want, so perhaps more than one drop down?
If you can give me an idea on how to achieve this or something similar I would be very grateful!


Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

The systems for setting up dashboards all follow the same rules

1. Have a data storage area
2. Have a data entry area
3. Have a processing area
4. Have a presentation area

Sometimes these are intermixed in that often you have an input area on the presentation area

For your requirements

Setup your data storage area
Have a cell that will be the link to either data set A or B
Then Using this cell retrieve the appropriate records in a processing area
Then display the chart linked to the processing area

If you post a sample file we can be more specific

I have posted one of the pages of my dashboard which includes a table of company data and I want people to be able to select which companies they see in a graph rather than all of them.