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Dynamic Function Does Not Work When Worksheet is Protected and/or Cell Bolded

Susan J

New Member
Hello everyone

I have built this spreadsheet using a table from Row 20 on. By selecting cell A21 and pulling on the lower right corner, I am able to add more rows with the formulas intact. I have also created a dynamic print range and the sums in Cells O5, E12 & E13 are dynamic also but, ironically, Cell O5 is dynamic only if it is NOT BOLDED.

So, 2 questions,

1) Why does the BOLDING affect the dynamic summation of O5?

2) I want to protect this sheet and have some cells Unlocked but, I cannot pull down on the lower right corner on A21 anymore. I have unlocked all cells from A20 to the end of the spreadsheet but, it still does not work. Help!

Hi Susan

I cannot replicate either problem and so would suggest that you check if the calculation mode is set to Automatic not Manual?

Goto Forumulas, Calculation Options to check

Can you explain what to do to make it not work
Hi Hui

My Calculation Options are set to Automatic but, this is my process.

I prefer Cell O5 to be BOLD so, I format it this way and pull down on A21. After I do this, I can see that the sum formula updated correctly but, I also see that Cell O5 has reverted back to non-Bold. So, I "BOLD" again and pull down on A21 but, when I check the sum formula is has not updated correctly.

I hope you can duplicate it.
