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Dynamic Column Selection


New Member
Hi all,

I am trying to select a value in a column in a different work sheet based on a cell value. Can you please help me out how to do that. Here is the problem.

I have a summary sheet and different sheets for 5 branches containing the costs for each months(Jan to Dec). I want to show the costs for each branch in the summary sheet by selecting a month in the summary sheet. The costs should dynamically change when I change the month in the summary sheet.

Can you please help me on this?
I would use the Offset function


Where Sheetx!A1:A1000 is the Sheet and Range of Values in Column A

x is a Row offset to what ever data you want

y is the offset of the column you want to select ie: 4 for Column E

So if Column A is Dates and Column B January, etc


Will select the same row from the appropriate column if Sheet1!A1 has a date.