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Dynamic Charts in Power Point


New Member
Hi ,

I am a big fan of your website with some cool stuffs which proved to be really handy.

I have a request and question.

1.Can i make dynamic charts in Power point?

2. Just like excel with pivot tables i select in my filter and chart below dynamically changes can that happen in power point as well?

i am using MS excel 2007.

Kindly help...

Warm Regards

Hi Narayan,

Thanks for the link but i could not find exact solution for my question.Is there any other way. Kindly help.

Hi Megz ,

I am not clear about your question. Are you looking to have dynamic charts using only Powerpoint ? You mention that you are using Excel 2007 ; is it that you want to develop the charts using Excel and then embed them in Powerpoint ?

Can you give more details about your requirement ?

Hi Narayan,

My question was:

For ex i create a combo box in power point which is a list of Japan, Australia, India and also a chart which has the data sheet(which is excel within the Power point). From the combo box i select Japan and this should trigger the same in the data sheet so that data for japan appears on the graph.Now in the data sheet i have pivot table with drop down of the same above list.So do we have any method to link the combo box from PPT to pivot drop down in the data sheet.Kindly help... I hope this is clear :)
