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drop down on text and numeric based


Hello All,

I have a drop down list box that has say 1,2,3 values

On selection

A           B     c
1         3      a1*b1
3         1      a2*b2
2         1      a3*b3
The user has to select 3 option say high – red, med- yellow, low – green. Ideally I have to have a drop down box with the 3 options and the user selects the option and based on conditional formatting the color changes.

The problem that I am facing is how to have the scores(in col c) as well as the high, med, low text to mean the same thing.

Eg. In A & B column if user selects 1 i.e low, 2 i.e med, 3, i.e high. The drop down should display the text but the value in the cell should be numeric for me to get the value calculated in C column based on A & B selection. Also in the end I need to count the total number of red, green or yellow based on the column c.

Any pointers on how I should proceed would be greatly appreciated.

thanks once again
hi xljgd

Kindly dowload file from my website and check.

http://istiyakshaikh.hpage.com > Downloads > For_Solution_xljgd.xls

Plz do conditional formating as per your requirement or tell.


Thanks for your prompt reply. i downloaded your worksheet and it is in line with what i need. can you explain the logic.

for me the

high = 3
Med = 2
Low = 1

h x h = 9
m x m = 4
L * L = 1

L * h = 3
and so on. also on the countif i have to count the number of high, low and med in col a and b so i included both =COUNTIF($A$2:$B$13,"LOW") to acheive this and than i have to set a CF. currently your sheet is the reverse of what i want how to change it. thanks for your awesome site and inputs.
Thanks Istiyak,

i changed the order of the match and the list order and got the result i needed. but when i list

low,med, high and match low med high it assumed that low = 1 med =2 and high =3 and does the muliplication by the postion of the list. is this correct.

can i do it for more than 3 values.

thanks for all your help your solution was what i needed.

Good to hear you got what you need.

Obvsly u can change the part of formula.

Happy to help. Keep visit.


I require some more direction to add on to Istiyak solution . I have to add a 4th element called complete.



H=3 and complete = 0 so that when i do complete x complete i will get 0 and there will be no score. how is this achieved. i tried to modify the formula but i am getting Complete assumed as 4 and it is giving me the multiples of 4. can anyone please help.

Hi ,

Replace your existing formulae in C2 downwards , with the following formula :


Here , List_of_choices would be :


Basically , if you entered List_of_choices as :


then , selecting COMPLETE would make the MATCH function return 4. Putting COMPLETE at the head of the list makes MATCH return 1 ; the -1 ensures that you get 0.

Hello Narayanak

thanks again for your time.

I changed the formula but when i select complete * complete it gives me -1 and all my other selections are out of order too.

for eg. i have to get

low =1

med = 2

high = 3

so the multiples should be 2,4,9 but i am getting 2,5,11 etc. i have the list as loc

my formula is =(MATCH($T26,LOC,0)-1)*MATCH($V26,LOC,0)-1

also should the same order be followed in both columns.

Hi ,

I think there should be a parenthesis enclosing the second MATCH function ( which should include the -1 after it ) , just as it is there for the first. Just copy the entire formula from this post , and paste it in your worksheet and see if it works.


the paranthesis was the problem. i should have tested it more before i emailed to the forum. thanks again. appreciate your time, patience and help with this.