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drop down box + check box into 1 graph is it possible ?


hi guys,

need your help for this one

can we combine drop down box + check box into the graph? basically drop down box is for like items, regions, etc while the check box is month (so we have 12 check box here)

the purposes is we can choose to compare between 2 or more months to see the items selling per city (drop down) or per region (drop down) etc

i attached sample here..and you can see in the summary sheet that i make the sample of the chart + drop down + check box

and i know this one is not easy..but at least a guide so i know where to start and how to do it piece by pieces


thanks All
There's no limit to the number of controls you can add. The trick is just being able to take all the inputs and plug them into your formulas controlling the data. Chandoo has lot of examples where he uses multiple controls to generate input. I'd suggest looking over the examples and copying what you need from there.
