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Downloadable cell styles. themes


New Member
Hi friends,

I am looking for any downloadable cell styles/ themes . I tried making my own , but not happy with the results. When i see some made by others , i wonder how they made it.Especially the colour combinations and effects. I checked downloads section, there are many templates and charts available, but no themes and styles to download.

Second thing, after i copy the cell styles, how can i apply it on using conditional formatting? I am using excel 2010, when i use conditional formatting ,there is option to use excel pre sets or i have to format, but no option to select from any cell that is already formatted.Any ideas?

Thanks and regards,

Good day vvgiri

Excel 2010 probably has the best tools for designing your own themes. You can use the format painter to pick up formats and apply to cells
Thank you bobhc

yes , i am using the format painter for copying, but when it comes to formatting large data at once , conditional formatting is the best i think. Thats why i am looking for the option to copy the format and use in conditional formatting,

Thanks and regards,


Why not open a new blank workbook make your own themes format cells as you want, text,size,colour, ect.ect and then save as a template, those templates you see on line have been done the same way you just need a large mug of coffee, some chill time and then go play :)