This is a great question where Solver can be used to answer the question!
I have uploaded a mockup as an example to use to describe below
Next to the 2 columns A-G and Numbers, I have put 2 Columns, Bucket 1 and Bucket 2
Next to that Total
And then Score 1 and Score 2
Bucket is a simple 0 or 1 to indicate if the number is included (1) or not (0)
Total is the Total of Bucket 1 and Bucket 2
Score 1 and Score 2 are the Number x Bucket 1 and Bucket 2 respectively
Next I have added a Total at the base of Score 1 (G10) and Score 2 (H10)
and a Difference in H11: = H10-G10
Open Solver from the Data, Analysis tab
If it is not loaded goto the File, Options, Addins, Manage Excel Addins and select Solver
The following are the Objectives and Constraints
Our objective is to have H11 =0 subject to a number of constraints
The Constraints are:
the Buckets must have an Integer value
the Total Column must add to 1
Thats It
Put 0 in the buckets manually and then Run the Solver again
A further constraint may be to add a count of the numbers in each bucket and then minimise the difference between them, this would force the buckets to have a more similar number of items in each
Hope that helps