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Display Message Box if calculated cell is not equal to value X

Every row in column A is the result of the corresponding row in column C - the corresponding row in column B. If the result is not 24 I want to display a message box. Only one row is completed each time. Only the message box has been clicked the result of the calculation can stay. The box only serves as a warning. Any help would be much appreciated!

23 48 71
Hi Peter ,

Do you mean to say that column A has formulae ?

For instance , does A2 have the formula =C2-B2 ?

If so , are the values in columns C and B manually entered ? If yes , then the data validation message can pop up when either of the cells in column C or column B is populated i.e. if B2 is populated first , and C2 populated thereafter , when ever data is entered in C2 , the message can pop up.

Hi Narayan
That is correct. Column a has the formula eg a2 and the data in eg c2 and b2 is manually entered. I tried it with data validation but am not able to display a message when the result is not 24. Any ideas?
Hi Peter ,

Select the range C2 through C63 , and click on Data Validation -> Data Validation -> Error Alert tab
