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Display Brand Based on Two conditions


Dear Ninjas and helping Gurus
Good afternoon
i need your help to get a formula to display Name of the Brands in column called Display in Sheet Display e.g. columns C, F & I. on sheet Data column A has Warehouse codes and column E has Brands this is coming from system. on sheet Display i have columns which has W/Houses and next column has Brands and next to them there is a blank column which called Display now based on Data sheet, if a W/House has that brand it should display Brand Name in column Display.

thanks for you help...


  • Display Brands if they are in Warehouse.xlsx
    140.5 KB · Views: 0
Hi ,

I am not sure I have understood you ; see this file and comment.



  • Display Brands if they are in Warehouse.xlsx
    148.8 KB · Views: 2
Dear Ninjas and helping Gurus
Good afternoon
i need your help to get a formula to display Name of the Brands in column called Display in Sheet Display e.g. columns C, F & I. on sheet Data column A has Warehouse codes and column E has Brands this is coming from system. on sheet Display i have columns which has W/Houses and next column has Brands and next to them there is a blank column which called Display now based on Data sheet, if a W/House has that brand it should display Brand Name in column Display.

thanks for you help...


  • Display Brands if they are in Warehouse-3.xlsx
    148.8 KB · Views: 1
Thank you very much Naran Sir,
System data is on DATA sheet, and Display sheet has All the W/H with All the Brands in next column, so on DATA sheet if that brand appear with that W/H it should display name of the brand. let take example of your input
if Brand CRSTFL is appearing with 100 W/H then it should display here where you put the formula...
i hope i explain properly, kindly let me if you need any other explanation.

thanks for your help...
Thank you very much Naran Sir,
System data is on DATA sheet, and Display sheet has All the W/H with All the Brands in next column, so on DATA sheet if that brand appear with that W/H it should display name of the brand. let take example of your input
if Brand CRSTFL is appearing with 100 W/H then it should display here where you put the formula...
i hope i explain properly, kindly let me if you need any other explanation.

thanks for your help...
So based Narayan file whats your expectation is fulfilled. Is it correct
Dear Ali
thanks for your reply it solved my problem, do you have any macro which can remove the empty cells from the block of 3 columns...
i have as many as 40 blocks of W/H - Brands - Display and i required to keep those cells which has Brands in Display columns.
thanks to let me know if you have any way to do it Quickly otherwise i need to sort all the Display columns one by one and delete empty cells...

Kind Regards

Hi ,

Have you seen the file I uploaded ? Can you comment based on what you see in that file ?

Dear Narayan Sir and Mr. Ali
thanks to both of you it's working fine the only thing which is remaining is how to delete the empty cells from the column display. i have around 40 columns which either i need to sort and bring the data in first rows or i have to delete them one by one, if you guys have any better solution please let me know even Macro is fine with me...

thanks once again for your help.
God Bless